How to find the row on which a mouse click event occurred in radgridview


If you are able to subscribe to a mouse click event on a radgridView, then your immediate requirement could be to find the row in which the mouse click event occurred. In this post we will see how to achieve this.

How to achieve this?

You can achieve this by querying the source of this event. In our case we will do something like this.

private void GridViewRowMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
  // Either this way

  var senderElement = e.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement;
  var parentRow = senderElement.ParentOfType<GridViewRow>();

  // or this way

  var element = e.Source as FrameworkElement;
  var row = senderElement.ParentOfType<GridViewRow>();           

This approach can be applied to all similar controls say RadGridView, RadTreeView etc. Now when you have found the row which the user has clicked, your immediate requirement could be to find the object associated with the row. Say for example if you have found the row and if you want to assign this to the SelectedItem property, then you cannot assign this, this is because to set a selected item, you need to find the exact object which is bound to the row. If you are trying to find the object in the row then you could achieve this like as shown below.

var tag = row as RadRowItem;
object item = tag.Item;

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Libish Varghese Jacob

Libish Varghese JacobI am a lead engineer at a prominent wind turbine manufacturing firm. My interests span a diverse range, and immersing myself in technology is one of them. This platform serves as my primary knowledge base, where I seek information and insights. Moreover, I utilize this platform to share my experiences and experiments, hoping they may benefit those following a similar path. It's important to note that the suggestions I express here are based on my best knowledge at the time of writing and may not necessarily represent the optimal solutions. I wholeheartedly welcome any comments you may have to improve or refine my ideas. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and valued.